Anchored in Great Harbor at the eastern end of the harbor at Peter Island turned out to be a fantastic location. The anchorage was deep at 40 feet so we laid out 200 feet of chain. What we liked the best was that there was no roll or wrap around swell and for one night our boat did not rock from side to side, but rather sat flat and calm. That may not sound like a big deal but it really is. Being below decks all night with the boat rocking from side to side can be uncomfortable plus plates and glasses slide off the table while dining. When we chartered here, we were usually on catamarans, so the rolling is much less noticeable. We are finding very few anchorages or mooring balls that provide a calm flat anchorage. This one, Great Harbor, was calm. We took advantage of the good conditions to varnish teak and compound and wax the cabin top.

Taking the dinghy to the head of the harbor and landing on a gravel beach, there is a trail that leads over to the Peter Island Yacht Club and then out to Deadman's Chest Bay. Yachtsmen on anchored boats are actually invited to use one particular beach, a large and lovely beach with shady trees. (See sign below.) This was very surprising.
Peter Island Yacht Club is a very upscale resort with a marina and mooring balls for $65 per night. Golf carts take guests around the property and over the mountain 5 miles to a huge beach on White Bay. There a large spa and several different styles of beautiful accommodations. It is unrecognizable from July 1987 when we had an elegant breakfast there while aboard a Whitby 42 charter boat named "Winds of Paradise." We enjoyed our hike to a look out cabana with a 360 degree view while the crews of Fezywig and Sea Star went snorkeling.
Sailing and motor sailing from Cooper Island to Peter Island is downwind and it is only 5-6 miles, so we were lazy and we simply sailed a jib. I am always amazed at the color of the blue blue blue water. These are all cell phone photos. Look at the beauty....
Look at the water inside the harbor where we dropped anchor in 30-40 feet.
These photos are from our long walk around Peter Island Resort and Deadman's Bay....
Great Harbor on Peter Island is really A Great Harbor! One of our favorites this trip so far....
Beautiful pictures....thanks
I remember a time when th snobs at Peter island would let us tie up at their dock (for an outrageous fee) but then wouldn't let us use any facilities..I guess they were concerned we would annoy the fine Amway folk who were staying at the resort
Went there a few years back. BIG boats drinks served. Our party went over to the o/s restaurant for dinner. Two couples weee in the whole place. When we asked for seating , the Maitre'd (sp?) asked if we had reservations! I gave him such an evil that he tecinded the reservation issue. Snobbish!
We sat next to Alan Alda there years ago during a charter when we anchored in the harbor. Amazingly beautiful all around. Such a trip and life you have!
Great photos as usual.
I've always loved that deep blue color of the open ocean. There is nothing quite like it.
Sleeping well here in the Party Bus. No rocking in our anchorages! 🤠
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