...Radeen with IS35 at the haul out... |
After 6 days in the docks preparing the boat to be hauled out, we finally reached the travel lift at 0830 on Monday, May 22, 2017. The lift operators did a great job as they expertly moved our Island Packet 35 from the water all the way up to the yacht storage yard. The interesting new aspect was how they transferred the 17,500 lbs of boat from the travel lift down onto an 8 wheel diesel hydraulic trailer that they then used to back the boat into a storage location.

They use these wireless remote control hydraulic trailers so that they can place the yacht within 12 inches of the next yacht. If the stored yacht is placed with a travel lift. then the spacing between the yachta is much greater due to the width needed for the full travel lift. This entire transfer from one machine to the next took nearly 1.5 hours but it increases the yard storage by at least 25% in my observation. This was a very challenging transfer due to the Island Packet rudder support bar interfering with the machine's structure. They wanted to remove our rudder support bar and I requested that they figure out another way. They managed to work around this non structural portion of the keel and kept the structure of the trailer from hitting it. Due to this, our boat ended up blocking much higher off the ground. I am guessing our blocking is 24" underneath our keel. This created a challenge for us covering the boat as what was normally 5 feet off the ground is now 7 feet and up. More on that later. Overall, the haul out process went very well. The boat is now strapped down with 7 hurricane straps attached to concrete footings with steel bars. We are working with Quino Sanchez, the rigging expert, to watch our boat and monitor it through any storms and downpours. The boat will remained closed and locked and his only job is to pump the hand bilge pump in the cockpit. The solar, wind and battery bank are disconnected and there is no need to go inside the boat.
Here are photos of the haul out.
This is the hydraulic trailer. Here you can see the boat has been transferred from the travel lift to the trailer |
The travel lift pulls away and can go do another lift. The remote control trailer can now drive the yacht into place. |
The Island Packet rudder strap would hit the trailer structure, so the yacht must be blocked higher over this back bar |
The hydraulic remote control trailer is backed into position |
Each wheel is on a hydraulic piston so the yacht can be leveled once it is in position. |
We placed the bow high to make sure she drains well. Here the trailer is moving out. |
After haulout and blocking, we immediately started on the sun shade, Coolaroo cover. We began this work around 11 am and by 3pm we had the sides up and the front bow covered to the mast. We also had worked out the aft top piece and how it would go under the boom vang but over the whisker pole. By 4pm, the afternoon sun was so intense and hot that we called it a day, and headed off to our condo to shower and cool down. The next day we began at 0630 and we were able to complete the cover install and sewing by 1330. Overall this process of covering the boat with Coolaroo took us 9-10 hours of work, mostly all done by Hayden while Radeen was working below on cleaning, storing and packing gear for the summer storage time. The cost this year for this was $175/roll and we used 2 rolls. We use a 6' x 100' roll for the sides. From this, we make two pieces 6' x 40'. For the top, we use a 12' x 50' roll, which we cut into 12' x 22' for the mast to bow and 12' x 28' for the mast to the stern. We use UV black zip ties to stitch the fabric together and this year we hand stitched it with the Coolaroo rope and needle and that will be a back-up in case the zip ties fail due to the sun. Once this was on the boat, temperature inside dropped from 106 degrees F down to 95 degrees F. Day two, in the same outside sun and temperatures, the boat never got over 89 degrees F, so we are sold on this fabric protecting the boat from the heat and the sun. We are now hoping for no direct hit hurricanes to land on the east side of Puerto Rico. That is our current risk and we are fully insured via Markel with an added named storm coverage for this area.
Here are photos of the Coolaroo process.
The 6 ' x 40' sides wire tie to the top life line bow to stern. Very easy |
12' wide x 22' long covers from mast to 2' over the bow pulpit |
The bow piece is stitched to the aft top piece |
Davits folded in, whisker pole tied to top of davits |
Top aft piece. Mast to stern is 12' x 28' and rests on top of whisker pole. |
This year I raised the whisker pole to cover the coils of my new reefing lines |
The top piece is zip tied to the outside of the side pieces |
I sewed this seam as I moved aft, after using the zip ties. |
The top pulls tight aft. As I work my way back, I pull the top tight over the sides, too. |
This is 1,200 sq. feet of fabric and it works great. |
Cutting around the bimini frame takes time |
The 12 foot top just so reaches across the beam at widest point |
We used an 18 foot ladder to wrap the bow |
Coolaroo makes clips that snap onto the fabric for attaching lines. |
Ropes pull from one side to the other side |
Once finished, I made cuts for the hurricane tie down straps to attach to the cleats. |
Looking forward, the boat is now in full shade |
Looking forward from seated at the helm, the pole is high enough to sit under |
Job complete. LOOK at the waterline, it is OVER my head. That is due to the 24" high blocking. This is the highest blocking ever! |
Radeen under the bow and the 18+ foot ladder |
Coolaroo Sun Cover worked again, this is great! |
I booked a really cool Air BnB studio overlooking the marina. It has a small kitchen, bathroom and a totally tiled separate shower room and also a beautiful pool. We enjoyed making a hot breakfast each morning and in the evening we prepared simple dinners with food we moved off the boat. This has worked out very well. Imagine, a shower with unlimited hot water and a toilet that you simply push a lever and it flushes. WOW, what a treat!
Photos of our cute room...
The steps down to our room overlooking the harbor |
Our kitchen and dining table, gas stove and small refrigerator. |
One room, one space, works for us |
Can you find the Island Packet? |
The view of Marina Puerto Del Rey from our patio. The pool is shared with the homeowner who lives upstairs and one with one other rental unit. |
Our private patio for wine and cheese. There is a lovely breeze here every evening. At night, we are lulled to sleep by the tree frogs peeping. Such a lovely spot! |
Great job and a perfect "how to" book on covering a boat. If you haven't already, you should send this to the Coolaroo folk to feature in their ads. You might also want to send a version of this to one of the sailing magazines (e.g. Cruising world). I think they'd be interested in publishing it.
Well Done
Looking forward to seeing you back in the States
Thank you Reuben, we do share these posts with the Coolaroo company. They have publushed my ideas. Great idea on an article. Thank you.
This is very helpful to me as I anticipate the cruising life.As a finish carpenter I applaud the neatness of your work on the coolaroo cover.You have done all that you can to secure her for the season so enjoy your summer in well deserved landfall.Is Island Spirit at 3 o'clock in the marina photo?
Tommy, thank you for the kind comments. Coolaroo works great. As for the marina photo, Island Spirit is center, the only beige boat there!
The whole cruise has been Incredible even down to putting Island Spirit to bed. Dr Frankenstein could not have done a better job stitching your cover together 🙂
Looks like you picked up a few fossil friends along the way too!
Capt Dan
IP27 Meridian
Barnegat Bay NJ
Capt Dan, thank you, it has been a great trip. Yes, we have a few barnacles on the bottom, buT this Trinidad Petite paint is tough stuff and it will do a fine job when back in the water Nov 6th. Thanks for sailing along.
Capt Dan, thank you, it has been a great trip. Yes, we have a few barnacles on the bottom, buT this Trinidad Petite paint is tough stuff and it will do a fine job when back in the water Nov 6th. Thanks for sailing along.
Totally awesome job on getting Island Spirit ready for storage. We are anxious to hear more on how your trip measured up. Would love to get together sometime. Last night we had dinner with Sharon and Greg (you IP cruisers are everywhere :-)) We're around until mid July then heading to Amsterdam for a home exchange, followed by a few weeks "land cruising" around the UK. Big change of plans from tent camping for the summer! We figure the Canadian Maritime Provincial Parks will be there for a trip at some other point. Let us know if you're around before mid July or after late August. Neverland will live in Brunswick GA until later in the fall.
Your post is useful for us thanx for sharing...
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