A happily uneventful 8 mile passage on Tuesday from Vinalhaven to Rockland offered plenty of room to anchor in the southern part of the harbor with a good dinghy dock at the Harbormaster’s office. By noon we caught a cab to the clean but crowded Park Street Laundromat to do 9 (!) loads. The water front park is the setting for the annual extravaganza MaineLosterFestival.com. 85,000 people are expected to attend in the next 5 days! Our reward for doing laundry is to always go out for dinner but the Rockland Café’s famous fishcakes were very disappointing – not recommended!
Due to forecasted high winds and thunderstorms, we decided to move on to Boothbay on Wednesday, one day early, missing the Coast Guard Station tours, the Farnsworth Art Museum and the Lobster Fest. Next time! Fog rolled in just past Owl’s Head Light and made for a stressful passage. We took a mooring ball at Brown’s Wharf and forgot our transmission troubles over drinks at McSeaGull’s with IP friends, old and new.
Boothbay Harbor has a Rock Hall style trolley making about seven stops and taking 30 – 40 minutes. Thursday we rode one entire loop to get to know the town. Phone calls to Mack Boring and local mechanic confirmed the recommended service for our transmission is pulling and rebuilding it. (see the transmission post for the gory details) We will try some suggested diagnostics tomorrow. Evening IP fun was enjoyed on the deck at Whale’s Tale and then the weekly brass band concert on the lawn of the charming little library.
After Hayden changed the AFT fluid Friday morning, we ran out the harbor for nearly 2 hours. Upon our return, the fluid was still clear red, not black, so that was good news! We rented a car and drove 10 miles to Edgecomb to the A.G.A. Correa company’s headquarters to replace Radeen’s lost bowline earring. Then we provisioned at Hannaford’s and got caught in a downpour while schlepping everything to the dinghy. The Boothbay Harbor Rendezvous got off to a terrific start with a delicious potluck supper provided by the 30 IP’s attending and Norm Pierce’s narrated slide show of the beauties and wonders of cruising the coast of Maine.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Eggmoggin Reach, Buck’s Harbor and Camden

Thursday was a short day, only 3 hours to Camden, which may be our new favorite place. There are more schooners and windjammers sailing from here than any other port in the world! We hosted a cocktail party for the Island Packet Armada which will sadly be breaking up soon. We have really enjoyed travelling as a fleet!
Camden Maine Harbor
with IP420 Ore Nego at the bottom of the waterfall
with IP420 Ore Nego at the bottom of the waterfall
runs right through town and into the harbor!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Northeast Harbor & Somesville

Northeast Harbor fun! We stayed local the last two days in the fog and mist and rain, never leaving Northeast Harbor, enjoying the bakeries, shops and the new library. We climbed a granite lined path up Elliot Mountain to the beautiful Ascitou Terraces and Gardens. Hayden surprised Radeen with a hot stone massage and a spa day at Bella Day Spa on Sea Street. We also celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary with a wonderful meal at the Red Bird Restaurant, in the same tiny building on Sea Street.

As the fog cleared, we departed Northeast Harbor and headed for the only fjord in the United States, Somes Sound. Under blue skies and light winds, we ghosted along . We took a mooring ball for lunch at impressive Abels Boatyard and then joined the rest of the fleet in Somesville. A walk ashore in the tiny town brought unexpected views of pretty gardens, as well as unwelcome mosquitoes. We found the library, open 2 days per week, and the Masonic Hall, which hosts the Acadia Summer Repertory Theatre, which we may visit on Tuesday nite. Champagne and scallops in Somes Sound truly made this an anniversary to remember!
The best of Maine! What could be better than being awakened by loons in quiet Somesville?! The morning light was stunning on our way to Little Cranberry Island eight miles away. We stopped at Valley Cove to see a waterfall where French, Spanish, English and even Viking ships are supposed to stopped for fresh water. Anchoring in the harbor at Islesboro was impossible due to kelp and sand and all the guest moorings were taken, so we were grateful when a lobsterman brought his big workboat close and suggested we take his friend’s big mooring ball. There was not much to see ashore. Remote does not always equal charming! We had dinner at the only restaurant in town to celebrate one month at sea since leaving Rock Hall with CAVU, Lyon’s Pride and Surprise – what a great trip it has been!
Anchored / Moored in Someville
Friday, July 17, 2009
NE Harbor / Jordon Pond House

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sailing into Mt. Desert Maine

The course we ran today, very interesting and challenging!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Vinalhaven Maine
Boothbay Harbor Maine
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Portland Pardise

- http://www.Centerboard.org Centerboard Yacht Club offers moorings, free tender service, and a great clubhouse to relax in and enjoy the friendly members who make you feel so welcome.
- Calm harbor, relatively for a busy port.
- Great city lights across the river to the west with beautiful sunsets over the city.
- An easy walk to a Hanaford Grocery Store.
- Tender services across the river to Dimillos Marina and access to the entire city waterfront!
- Downtown Portland waterfront is BEAUTIFUL with many restaurants and pubs and interesting shops and of course ice cream parlors.
- Hamilton Marine, Inc. a blend of West Marine + Defender is an easy walk from Dimillos and the town docks.
- And best of all.....Great Island Packet former owners and friends; Bill & Fran who go out of their way to help out and make us feel so at home.
"Portland Paradise!" Thank you Bill and Fran, Abby, and Dave, and Ed & Beth for making our stay so enjoyable.
Portland Maine Ferry Service

Powering to Portland

We had a double reefed main and a cutter up to help slow down this rolling from side to side, but it really got tiring after 6 hours. Items were flying out of all the cabins, we were tossed off the helm seat many times, and the best way to deal with this was standing up at the helm and working it as if you were a slamon downhill skiier! Oh what fun! Now its time to enjoy Portland Maine, and our Island Packet friends Bill and Fran.
The conditions at Portland Head Light as we approach

We are staying at Centerboard Yacht Club http://www.centerboard.org/ they also have a live web cam where you can see the view from the dock looking out over the mooring field and over to Portland Maine.
Powering to Portland VIDEO
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Kittery Maine

We sailing/motored from Marblehead to Kittery Point, Maine, in flat calm glassy smooth waters. What a difference one day makes out on the ocean. This was a beautifully clear sunny day, one of the few we have had since departing Maryland 14 days ago! So this is what the SUN looks like?
CAVU led the way, arriving for the first time at her hailing port of Portsmouth. Ron shared fascinating information about the history of Portsmouth area. We arrived as a fleet and connected with the harbor master who led us to mooring balls at a great price of $15.00. Pepperrell Cove is the spot to go off Kittery and you can easily walk up to Fort McCleary and overlook the harbor. To run over to Portsmouth, NH, you need a cab or, if you are lucky, you could get a yacht club tender to pick you up and run you across the river. The current is enitrely too strong to run with our 4 hp dinghy.
We spent the remainder of the day taking in the beautiful sun, the blue sky, and walking the quaint little town. Frisbee's, the oldest general store in North America has been owned by the same family since 1823. In the evening, the entire armada met for dinner at Captain Simeon's and generously paid for our meals in thanks for our efforts for the group. Thanks everyone!
On Tuesday, the sky dawned grey and showery. Undeterred, we got a ride from CAVU and toured Portsmouth's Strawberry Banke historic section, which is like a small, nautical Williamsburg. We were lucky to have a great tour guide, Polly, who was friendly and knowledgeable. The barrelmaker was especially interesting. Nearly everyone gathered for a late hot lunch at the Portsmouth Brewery. The evening was spent aboard in a rolling anchorage, trying to make an educated, weather-based, decision on when to leave for Portland.
Fort McCleary looking back down to our harbor

Flat Calm Sea, motoring. Notice the sea grasses

Sailing into Marblehead

Today was also the start of the Marblehead to Halifax yacht race, so we were timing our arrival to Marblehead around noon so we could see the large race boats heading out. There were 104 racing yachts moored in the harbor!
We picked up mooring balls in what turns out to be a very tight harbor. Luckily, we connected with IP420 Entropy, Martha and Bob Rose, who helped us secure balls from the Boston Yacht Club. After the races got under way, Entropy invited all of us over to their yacht for a lovely wine and cheese party. It was so nice of them after working all day on the race course and then coming in and hosting a party for 14+ people! THANK YOU! We also enjoyed meeting Drew of IP380 Shawnee. Friendly IPers in Marblehead and plenty of sunshine, too!
From here we plan to run to MAINE, at Kittery....
Island Packet 380 Memphis Belle in 27 knots reaching hard
Island Spirit under reefed jib and cruisin at 7.5 knots!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Scituate Harbor Mass

Once in town, the harbormaster's office is the center of the hub and within two blocks there is...
- Ice Cream
- Dunkin Donuts
- Laundromat
- Grocery Stores
- Pizza Shops
- Diners & Restraunts
- Hardware Stores
- 3 Liquor stores
- Shops and boutiques
- Commercial Fishing and Charter Fishing docks
Next Stop.....Marblehead....after the Marblehead to Halifax race departs....
Notice the 10' tides that is out...

The dinghy dock with 10' tides down. Look at the ramp!

Let's play...."Find the Island Packets"......Scituate Lighthouse in back

The Harbor Chart, look how close the services all are.
This is a great spot for provisions, laundry and a rest.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Cape Cod Canal North Bound

It was really cool to see the fleet under the Railroad bridge as that is the true beginning of the canal. We timed it and reached the railroad bridge at 1230 hrs when it was slack low, and from then on we had a push out the rest of the canal.
While in the canal, we had the special treat of being passed by Jim Grundy's brand new TRIPP 75' race boat called BELLA PITA. What a machine that was and she was so close, the owner yelled over...."Meet the guy who designed it....BILL TRIPP!".....She was beautiful and on her way to Marblehead for the Race to Halifax. Google: Belle Pita and Jim Grundy...impressive!
Blasting into Cape Cod Bay, the winds picked up to 15-20 knots SE with slight rain, so we set full sails, main, jib and cutters and sailed on a beam reach to a broad reach up to Scituate Harbor. We arrived at Scituate in low viz with fog around 1730. We are geting better at running in fog and rain and 20 knots of wind. Up here, they have had 27 days of rain in the month of JUNE! We are hoping that this is now over....
BELLE PITA Tripp 75' Passes us in the Canal
Massive Rig with 3 spreaders

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