Sharon and Claire, Blue Eyes (B.E.) |
We have not blogged in months and that is because we have been having a great time with friends aboard, friends at home, and friends on the road. We have spent a blazing hot summer on the Chesapeake Bay and ran away to Cape May NJ for a two week reprieve. We have enjoyed our spacious home with endless power and hot water, as we play between the boat and the house. Overall, it has been a relaxing and peaceful summer. Since I love to take photos, the best way to show our summer is via my photo collection.....here you go....
Claire, our good buddy, and Blue Eyed friend |
Claire (B.E.), Jeff (Nuke Man) and Sharon (Artistic GrL) |
Wanda, our good buddy with Radeen |
Radeen and Gail sail Island Spirit to Annapolis, MD |
Island Spirit sails beautifully for Annapolis, MD |
Radeen and Freddie,great friend and our "Mechanical Man" |
Radeen and Gail...pretty girls aboard Island Spirit |
Blue Angles Airshow Baltimore MD for the 1812 Celebration
We were anchored at the edge of the airshow box. |
Radeen with a Summer Sunset in Rock Hall, MD
Daphne and Phil arrive from Chicago |
Daphne after a full NAVY career, sails Island Spirit |
Tall Ships sail past Fort McHenry for the 1812 celebration We drop anchor right off the fort and the ships parade by |
Phil and Hayden. Phil makes the BEST OMELETS in the world !
Road Trip to see Jim, Gail and Courtney's stunning new home |
Road Trip to our HOME....wow, nice deck! |
Summer in the Chesapeake Bay looks like this. HOT |
Road Warriors Visit: The Kerlins swing by with their 40 foot camper
Patricia (IP460 Cutter Loose) Kate (IP350 Eilean) and Radeen |
Off we sail to Cape May, NJ for escape from the HOT Chesapeake Bay |
Happy Anniversary #32, we popped the DOM |
After 2 weeks in CMNJ, we sail north back up the Delaware Bay
This is the Salem Nuclear Plant that our buddy Jeff keeps online |
Radeen loves living on the boat, and I love taking photos of her
:-) |
PARTY: The Fleet assembled in the Magothy River, MD
We celebrated Brian and Amy's engagement with a trip across the bay
Sail to Annapolis, tour the town, pop some MOET, and enjoy dinner at the Charthouse |
Haul Out: Aug 21, 2012
Time for one month of service and then off to the Bahamas! |
Service Job #1
Rip out the helm and send it in for inspection and repairs.
Edson wants to fix one item as a preventative measure. |
What a GREAT SUMMER 2012 has been. Normally right now, we would be preparing for the RETURN TO SCHOOL, as we have done for 32+ years. Now, we are dreaming of a return to the Bahamas and beyond! The boat is hauled out for a month while we take a trip to Oregon to visit Radeen's brother and family in the new log home they built. In September, we will service and re-launch the boat, load it up and make our second run south on the ICW for a repeat of last year. We plan to go deeper into the middle of the Bahamas, the EXUMAS, and explore this beautiful area. From there....we have no plans....we will go where ever.....